Enchanted begins in the cheery animated fairytale world of Andalasia. Princess Giselle’s singing to her adoring animal friends about her dream of finding a handsome young prince who’ll sweep her off her feet. No sooner do the words leave her mouth when suddenly Prince Edward (Marsden) appears on the scene and proposes marriage, declaring with all of his animated heart his everlasting love. But Edward’s stepmother, the evil Queen Narissa (Sarandon), isn’t about to give up her throne to the young couple. Narissa’s not ready to step aside and she tricks the perky princess.
Have you ever wanted to burst out singing in the middle of a big city park? Do you still believe in happily ever after endings? If the answer’s yes to either of these questions, consider yourself the ideal audience for Enchanted, a sweet and silly Disney film starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden and Susan Sarandon.
Banished from the cartoon world on her wedding day and in her enormous wedding gown, Giselle (Adams) crawls out of a manhole in Times Square and into the strange world of flesh and blood creatures. Wandering the streets of the Big Apple lost and alone, Giselle catches the eye of a divorced divorce lawyer named Robert (Dempsey) with a cute kid young enough to still believe fairytale princesses actually exist.
Giselle slowly begins to understand just how far she is away from home, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to spread a little cheer by way of super-sized musical numbers to the citizens of New York City who thought they'd already seen everything
Meanwhile, Giselle’s betrothed has also crawled out of the sewer clad in his puffy princely attire, ready to do battle with anyone and anything – including a city bus – in order to retrieve his princess and return to the land of talking animals and fairytale endings. Following close on Prince Edward’s heels is his right-hand man, Nathaniel, who just happens to be in cahoots with the nasty Narissa.
and the end of the story gisalle maried with robert and she become mother. Meanwhile edward married with robert’s fiance and return to animated fairytale world of andalasia. evil queen died when he was going to kill gisalle in the tower at newyork city. and they live happily ever after.