This film tells of a man reaching for his dreams. Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown), a talented but under-challenged teenager, is an extraordinarily gifted writer and a star basketball player. then he met with William Forrester (Sean Connery) a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, has been holed up in a Bronx apartment for Several Decades.but they are not interrelated. One day after school, one of the boys challenges Jamal to sneak into the apartment. Jamal accepts the challenge and sneaks in through the window, but is surprised by the recluse and flees, leaving his backpack. Later, Jamal confronts a man who occasionally delivers supplies to the apartment and displays his gifted intellect discussing the man's BMW car. After the man leaves, Jamal's backpack is dropped to the street. Jamal finds the man read his journals and made editorial notes in it. Jamal requests the man read more of his writings.
Jamal wallace and william Forrester since it became close, and jamal become smarter in terms of writing in school.
As part of Jamal's tutelage, Forrester gives him some of his own private essays to rewrite, with the condition that Jamal is never to show any of this work to anyone. When a prestigious writing contest requires some of Jamal's best work, he falls back on a particular piece of Forrester's that he re-wrote and submits it as his own, not realizing it was one of Forrester's few published works. Jamal's literary professor, Crawford, finds the parallels with Forrester's piece published in 1960 and brings Jamal up on plagiarism charges. Jamal must either admit Forrester's influence on his work or prove he had Forrester's permission to use his material. He refuses to do either, so that he may keep his promise to Forrester, thus eliminating his entry from the competition and endangering his standing at the school.
Forrester very angry because jamal jamal has disdaining. Jamal was then told by the school they value contributions in basketball, and agreed that they would drop the charges of plagiarism if he won their state championship.
when in kompentisi Forrester's essay reveals that he had just read was written by Jamal. He went on to explain that Jamal has written an essay contest, using the title and first paragraph-published with the permission and that Jamal was silent out of respect for the promise he made to Forrester. Crawford expressly states that this will not change anything from the council's decisions. Council override him and pressed charges of plagiarism, Jamal readmitting into the competition. After the competition, Forrester thanks Jamal for his friendship and told him his desire to return to his homeland of Scotland.
One year later, Jamal is in his senior year and is a successful student enrollment by offering a variety of prestigious universities. Forrester attorneys schedule a meeting with Jamal, and revealed that Forrester has died of cancer.
I think this movie is very good indeed for all ages especially for teenagers who are the process of reaching his dream.
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